Important registration information
Complete the registration form. One registration per form, please. If you need additional forms, please make photocopies, call (513)529-1827, or print it from the ANTSHE website at
Registration deadlines:
Registrations recieved at Miami University by September 11, 1998 will have a registration confirmation packet mailed to the address on the registration form. This packet will contain important information about your registration, the conference, hotel, airport transportation, San Diego and attractions.
Please note: We will not send a registration packet for registrations received on or after September 11, 1998. You will get your packet on-site in San Diego.
A $15 cancellation fee applies.
Conference fees:
Save by registering early and becoming a member...
Student member registering before 9/11/98 $ 40
Professional member registering before 9/11/98 $
Student non-member registering before
9/11/98 $ 50
Professional non-member registering before
9/11/98 $110
(note: you can become a member by checking the appropriate box on this form and including your membership fees)
Student member registering after 9/11/98 $ 55
Professional member registering after 9/11/98 $125
Student non-member registering after
9/11/98 $ 65|
Professional non-member registering after
9/11/98 $145
Pre-conference workshops:
Student $10
Professional $20
Circle the appropriate fees, and place total in the space provided.
Please consider ANTSHE membership; you can become a member simply by marking the appropriate areas on the conference registration form.
Please indicate on your form if you will attend the two meals which are included in your conference registration fee; or, if you will attend the CARE reception.
If you have questions regarding your registration, please call (before September 28) Cheryl Young at (513) 529-1827, or contact by e-mail at [email protected]. After September 28, contact can be made through the Town & Country Resort, (619) 291-7131.
Don't forget to bring items (t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, etc.)
from your university for the raffle at the Sunday breakfast business meeting!