ANTSHE is an international partnership of students, academic professionals, institutions, and organizations whose mission is to encourage and coordinate support, education, and advocacy for the adult learner.






Contact us:

Phone     360.545.3593
Fax:        866.887.9940
[email protected]





Donate to the 2010 Conference
Raffle - proceeds support ANTSHE Scholarship Fund!


ANTSHE is an international partnership of students, academic professionals, institutions, and organizations whose mission is to encourage and coordinate support, education, and advocacy for the adult learner.

Governing Documents are available upon request.  Simply send your request to [email protected].  Be sure to specify which .doc you would like sent to you.

By Laws
Policy and Procedures

                      -Finance Policy
                      -Awards Policy
                       -Election Policy
                                                   -Conference Procedure and Policy
                                  -Editorial Board Policy


Technical questions or comments about these pages?
Contact the ANTSHE Webmaster

Fax: 1.866.887.9940