ANTSHE Region 6
(Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Eastern Montana)

October 6, 2000
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Drive-In Conference
Iowa State University

Adult Student Development Theory 101:  
            An Introduction to Understanding

We never cease to grow and develop. The constant in all of our lives is change. Adult development theory is often overlooked in graduate programs or presented during a �special student population� lecture. Student demographics have been changing since 1979 and adult learners are present on college campuses. It is important that faculty and staff understand and apply adult development theory to practice.

This one day workshop will introduce faculty, staff and students to adult development theory and provide an opportunity to dialogue with others the application of theory. 

Dr. Florence Hamrick, Assistant Professor in Education and Leadership Studies at Iowa State University will present a brief introduction to Erikson, Levinson, Josselson, Schlossberg, Kohlberg, Gilligan, and Belenky�s theory of development. The afternoon session will provide time for group work to apply theory to different campuses.

Flo Hamrick has been Assistant Professor of Higher Education at Iowa State University since 1996. She teaches graduate courses in student development theory and research methods. Flo earned her Ph.D. in higher education from Indiana University, her M.A. in college student personnel from Ohio State University, and her B.A. in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prior to becoming a graduate faculty member, Flo worked for 10 years as a counselor and administrator in career planning and placement services. During most of that time she worked at Wichita State University in Kansas, where she had extensive experience with adult learners and individuals pursuing career changes.

How do I register?
To register for the Region 6 conference, please register online through the link at the bottom of this page.  Registration is $25 per person. Your fee will cover parking, conference materials and lunch. Checks should be made payable to Iowa State University.

How do I get to Ames?
Ames is centrally located and well-served by ground transportation. North-south Interstate 35 passes through Ames and intersects east-west Interstate 80 just 25 miles south of Ames. Minneapolis is only 218 miles away, Chicago 322 miles, and Omaha 168 miles. Ames is 35 miles north of Des Moines.

When you register, you will receive directions to the conference site at the Iowa State University Memorial Union.

Register online!


Penny Rosenthal
Iowa State University
B6 Memorial Union
Ames, IA 50011-1130
(515) 294-2364
[email protected]
