The ANTSHE Board invites you to self nominate or nominate a co-worker/student for several Board positions. We are looking for people committed to serving non-traditional students in higher education. Students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to consider joining the ANTSHE Board in any of the available positions. If you have questions contact Rob Wiese at: [email protected] or call (515) 292-7903.
Nominations must be received by
June 1, 2001.
Please mail or FAX nominations to:
111 Lynn Ave. Suite #4
Ames, IA 50010
Fax: (515) 292-7904
The following
positions will be elected in October 2001:
President: Elected
by the ANTSHE membership for a two-year term; not eligible for successive terms. Shall preside at all meetings of the Association,
the board of directors, and the executive committee; and shall see that all orders and
resolutions of the board are carried into effect. Votes
only to break a tie. Responsibility for long
range planning; spokesperson; decision-making; momentum; monitor progress.
Officer: Elected by the ANTSHE membership for a two-year
term. Accounting, accounts receivable;
auditing; work with President; deposits; collect and disperse monies of the Association;
propose budget. Reports to the President,
serves as a voting member of the Board and as a member of the Executive Committee.
Officer: Elected by the ANTSHE membership for a two-year
term; reports to the President. Serves as a
voting member of the Board and as a member of the Executive Committee. Internal Communications: coordinates listserv;
newsletter; Web page; directory; assists Membership Officer with brochure; minutes. External communications; marketing; public
relations; publicity; perform correspondence on behalf of Association. Serves as a voting member of the Board and as a
member of the Executive Committee.
Officer: Elected by the ANTSHE membership for a two-year
term. Serves as a voting member of the Board. Coordination of conference including keynote
speaker with national and international ties; connections to local universities for
support; location of conference; theme.
Student Officers (2) Elected by the ANTSHE membership for two-year term.
Serve as voting members of the Board. Duties may include newsletter contributions;
student organizations; campus government; conference; regional contacts and other
activities and projects.